I have been thrilled that Toni Butler chose to apply her awesome talents, celebrated up and down the Wasatch Front, here in South Jordan, in my own neighborhood. Theatre was something that was so important in my youth, and now I get to share it with my family. My husband and son auditioned for Peter Pan and were cast together as pirates so they could have father/son time together. What a unique experience! Knowing Toni and SJCT, I know my son is in a safe environment, participating in theatre that cares first about families and the individual, and creates quality entertainment that I can happily recommend to all my friends.
I can’t wait for my son’s grandparents to see him on stage, and to watch his confidence swell as he rehearses and performs in an excellent production. I feel so privileged to be in a community that supports family theatre. And I can say without a doubt that I have never encountered a theatre with more passion and sense of community and family than South Jordan Community Theatre. I hope we lend it the support it needs so it can blossom and grow, and stay in South Jordan for years to come.