Director’s Note:
I love the idea of how sunflowers constantly face the sun; they turn toward what nourishes and sustains them. Even though Shrek is initially a solitary, grumpy creature, like the sunflower’s stem that stretches through the soil to its bright yellow bloom, he too seeks light—be it in the form of friendship, acceptance, or love. The sunflower’s act of reaching toward the sun mirrors Shrek’s eventual turn toward openness and connection, showing that both need something bigger than themselves to truly thrive: Don’t we all? Enjoy Shrek! ~Toni Butler”
Shrek performed January 17-February 1, 2025 in The Black Box
Cast List:
- ShrekDallin Remund
- FionaLydia Butler
- Teen Fiona/TinkerbellSayla Butler
- Young Fiona/GoldilocksGrace Petersen
- DonkeyLogan Bingham
- Lord FarquaadJack Sheehan
- Thelonius/Knight 3Gabe Larson
- Mama Ogre/Pig 2Rebekah Price
- Papa Ogre/Wolf/Knight 1Brigham Bennett
- Young Shrek/Jimmy Cricket/Papa DwarfSawyer Greene
- PinocchioTevan McPeak
- Gingy/Little RedCassandra Kerr
- Papa Bear/Knight 2Seth Goldklang
- Baby BearKali Blimes
- Pig 1/3 Blind MiceEmily Kroff
- Pig 3/3 Blind Mice/Blue BirdEmma Thomas
- Dragon/Mama BearTaci Miner
- Witch/3 Blind Mice/Duloc PerformerAnnie Bearden
- Peter Pan/Guard 3/BishopDavid Oliphant
- Papa DwarfSawyer Greene
- KnightsGabe Larson, Tevan McPeak
- Dragon-essesAnnie Bearden, Kali Blimes, Cassandra Kerr, Emily Kroff, Emma Thomas
- DulocAnnie Bearden, Brigham Bennett, Kali Blimes, Seth Goldklang, Emily Kroff, Gabe Larson, Taci Miner, Tevan McPeak, David Oliphant, Rebekah Price, Emma Thomas