Based on the celebrated novel by Daniel Wallace and the acclaimed film directed by Tim Burton, BIG FISH tells the story of Edward Bloom, a traveling salesman who lives life to its fullest…and then some! Edward’s incredible, larger-than-life stories thrill everyone around him—most of all, his devoted wife Sandra. But their son Will, about to have a child of his own, is determined to find the truth behind his father’s epic tales. Overflowing with heart and humor, BIG FISH is an extraordinary musical that reminds us why we love going to the theatre—for an experience that’s richer, funnier and bigger than life itself. Big Fish will be directed by Toni Butler and accompanied by a live orchestra under the direction of Michelle Willis.
- Auditions: April 24, 7-10p
- Ages: 10+
- Prepare: 16 bars from a musical in the style of Big Fish. More info will be posted here by January 1, 2025.
- Call Backs: April 26, 8a-1p
- Rehearsals: First Rehearsal: April 28. Generally rehearsal are M-TH, 7-10p and Saturdays, 8a-5p. The amount of rehearsals you have will depend on the part you are cast in.
- Performances: June 13, 14, 16, 20, 21, and 23 at 7:30p
Character Descriptions:
We will cast Old and Young versions of Edward, Sandra, and Jenny. (Potentially 3 for Edward)
Present Edward Bloom (45-60): A charming, charismatic storyteller. A devoted yet absent father nearing the end of his life and wanting to reconnect with his son. He is comfortable in his own skin, but hopes for Will’s approval. He loves his wife, his son, and telling stories. Needs a big voice and serious character acting. Songs: Showdown, What’s Next, How It Ends
Young Father Edward (30-45) An enthusiastic, optimistic, energetic romantic. Very charismatic, a good salesman. He is the quintessential hometown boy hero. Needs a big voice. Very good mover. Songs: Be the Hero, Fight the Dragons, Start Over
Young Edward (18-25): An enthusiastic, optimistic, energetic romantic. Very charismatic, a good salesman. He is the quintessential hometown boy hero. Needs a big voice. Very good mover. Songs: Out There on the Road, Time Stops, Closer to Her, Daffodils, Red White and True
Sandra (45-60): Patient, calm, the perfect balance to Edward’s enthusiasm. She adores and appreciates Edward and tries to bring reconciliation to her husband and son. Strong singer and actor. Songs: Two Men in My Life, I Don’t Need a Roof
Young Sandra (18-25): A sweet, innocent young girl excited by the possibilities of life. She appreciates Edward’s romantic viewpoint. Strong singing and dance ability. Songs: Alabama Lamb, Time Stops, Daffodils, Red White and True
Will (20-30): An earnest, thoughtful young man wanting to reconnect with his father, but unable to appreciate Edward’s romantic view of life. He is a successful professional, new husband, and expectant father. Strong tenor voice and dramatic actor.
Young Will (looks 10) Edward’s son, precocious and intelligent. Is told all of Edward’s fantastic tales, isn’t quite sure if they’re real.
Josephine (20-30): Will’s wife. Successful, intelligent, new bride and expectant mother. Josephine acts as the bridge between Edward and Will.
Karl (18-40): Edward’s best friend. Karl is shy, exceptionally intelligent, hermit-like, and has aquiet charisma. He needs a booming voice and large personality. Bass. Will need to be comfortable walking on stilts.
Amos (20-50): Eccentric owner of the circus that employs young Edward. Aldo, a werewolf.Strong, outgoing personality and humor.
Witch (18-50): Mysterious and knowledgeable. Convinces Edward to pursue a big life without fear. Big belt voice.
Young Jenny Hill (18-25): Edward’s devoted, first girlfriend. A dreamer. Big voice and dance ability.
Adult Jenny Hill (45-60): Very tired, disillusioned version of the younger Jenny. She has dignity and honesty. She is crucial in helping Will understand Edward and Edward’s motivations. Serious acting role.
Don Price (18-30): Snarky bully. Sandra’s first fiancé.
Zacky Price (16-25): Nerdy brother and shadow of Don Price.
Doctor Bennett (45-60): Warm, kind, but frank. Edward’s friend and physician.
Alabama Lambs (18-25): Young Sandra’s friends. Perform with Sandra at the circus. Strong singing and dance skills.
Ensemble Roles: Most have solo lines, all have featured moments and will pop up throughout the entire show.
Will’s Son
Circus Performers
Ashton Mayor
Ashton Residents
University Students
Young Scouts
USO Girls
General Patterson
Red Fang, WWII villain
WWII Soldiers
Cowboys/Saloon Girls
Old West Judge
Doctors and Nurses