What people said about the last Les Miserables
I didn’t expect it to be THAT good!
I understood Les Mis better than I ever have before.
I was blown away!
Where did these kids come from?! I have never seen that many talented teenagers in the same space together.
My kids (7, 9, 11) sat mesmerized the whole show, completely engaged
Review by Jason Hewlett, Entertainer
Director’s Note from Les Miserables, 2012
Every play begins with a director’s vision; what do we want our audiences to experience when they come and see our version of Les Miserables? My vision first focused on the color red and all the intense emotions it represents: sacrifice, forgiveness, love. Then I focused on this quote from the novel by Victor Hugo:
There is a point when the infamous and the unfortunate are associated and confused in a word, a mortal word, les miserables; whose fault is it? And then, when the fall is the furthest, is that not when charity should be the greatest?
I combined red and this quote for my final vision: throughout the play you will see these moments of “les miserables” punctuated with a red cloth filled with intense emotions that will pass from one character to the next. I hope leaving our production you will be inspired in your moments of “les miserables” to show this great charity and to embrace the intense red emotions we are so blessed to feel: to sacrifice, to forgive, to love!
This is one of the most amazing directing experiences I have ever had! The cast entered auditions with a tangible energy I have never seen before. The production team, cast, crew, and orchestra met the challenges and intensity of this beloved musical with an optimistic ambition… and I believe they will exceed any expectation you had entering this theatre. Enjoy our experience of Les Miserables… we certainly won’t forget it!
~Toni Butler, Director
Les Miserables Trailer from 2012:
Les Miserables performed June 15-26, 2012 at Early Light Academy.
Cast List of Les Miserables, 2012
- Army OfficerDallin Remund
- BabetIsaac Smith
- BamataboisSam Pulsipher
- Beggar 1Bryn Nielson
- Beggar 2Lindsay Haslam
- Beggar 3Stephanie Lucero
- Bishop of DigneMcKay Jenkins
- BrujonCaden Lindquist
- Bystander 1Max Ivory
- Bystander 2Mary Izatt
- ClaquesousEli Smith
- Constable 1Bryson Walker
- Constable 2Caleb Walker
- CombeferreBryson Walker
- Convict SolosAlex Galura, Sam Pulsipher, Zac Troff, Michael Butler, Ryan Jenson, Dallin Remund
- CosetteMegan Williams
- CourferacCaleb Walker
- EnjolrasSpencer Sharp
- EponineSarah Keuhl
- Factory Girl 1Chelsea Francis
- Factory Girl 2Anna Galura
- Factory Girl 4Cassandra Kerr
- Factory Girl 5Ashley Bullough
- Factory WomenLindsay Haslam, Lauren Heath, Annie Beckstrand, Riley Conover, Kiersha Galloway, Emma Clark, Michelle Stanely, Elena Stanley, Camille Perkins
- FantineAmberlee Merrill
- FarmerIsaac Smith
- FauchelevanRyan Jenson
- Featured Women's EnsembleBailey Means, Megan Marshall, Naquela Barlow, Chelsea Francis, Clara Cummings, Anna Galura, Cassandra Kerr, Megan Remund, Olivia Smith, Annie Wimmer, Lily Graham, Brielle Booth
- FeuillyDallin Remund
- ForemanAustin Ramsey
- GavrocheGeoff Beckstrand
- Gavroche's GangGracie Otto, Henry Riker, Seth Lawrence, Justin Francis, Kayla Bowen, Mary Izatt, Zac Topham, Bethany Merrill, Ashley Galura, Ian Means, Shalya Wimmer, Maggie Scott, Veronica Kyker
- GrantaireJake Wimmer
- JavertCurtis Nelson
- Jean ValjeanLogan Bingham
- JolyAustin Ramsey
- JudgeIan Sudbury
- LaborerAustin Ramsey
- LaborersIan Sudbury, Dante Long, James Ford, Eli Smith, Michael Dudley
- LesglesDevan Alder
- Little CosetteMaggie Scott
- Little Cosette UnderstudyVeronica Kyker
- Lovely Lady 1Ashely Bullough
- Lovely Lady 2Anna Galura
- Lovely Lady 3Niquela Barrow
- Madame ThenardierCece Otto, Cassandra Kerr
- Major DomoIan Sudbury
- MariusMax Wimmer
- Mistaken Jean ValjeanSam Pulsipher
- Mistaken Jean Valjean's DaughtersAshtyn Smith, Bethany Merrill
- Mistaken Jean Valjean's WifeKaylie Russell
- MontparnasseJake Watt
- Old WomanOlivia Smith
- Onlooker 1Zac Troff, Michael Butler
- Onlooker 2Michael Dudley
- Onlooker 3Megan Remund
- ProuvaireAlex Galura
- Sailor 1McKay Sharp
- Sailor 2Zac Troff, Michael Butler
- Sailor 3Jake Watt
- Sentry 1Austin Ramsey
- Sentry 2Caden Lindquist
- ThenardierZac Troff, Michael Butler
- TuttiSam Pulsipher
- WomanMichelle Stanley
- Worker 1Anna Bodily
- Women's EnsembleKowhai Anderson, Camille Beck, Gabrielle Binns, Whitney Brown, Emily Bullough, Ellie Campbell, Aspen Clark, Faith Cook, Lauren Houston, Rachel Jolley, Katelyn Merrill, Smantha Pinnock, Andrea Rivera, Emily Schaefer, Katie Telford, Ashlyn VerHoef
Production Team
- DirectorToni Butler
- ProducerKimberly Bradstreet
- Music DirectorErin Walker
- Assistant Music DirectorsAmy Gwilliams, Art Moore, Kimberly Wimmer
- Orchestra DirectorArt Moore
- Technical Director Bryce Bodily
- Stage ManagerAnnie Brantley
- CostumerSteve Schmid
- Assistant CostumersLisa Means, Mollie Remund
- Prop MistressKayla Bowen
- Set DesignKevin Dudley
- DramaturgKatie Pulsipher Brown
- Art DirectorBecca Rodgers
- Sound DesignPaul Butler
- Master CarpenterBryce Bodily
- AccountingButler Financial Group
- PublicityAndrea Scott
- ConcessionsChris and Angela Merrill
- Box Office ManagerCandice Kugler
- WoodwindsLani Gailey, Katie Hilton, Emily Suckow, Sara Carlock
- Woodwinds 2Jessica Rice
- Horns 1, 2Melody Mercer, Ashton Pease
- Trumpet 1, 2Nathan Swallow
- TromboneErik Anderson, Kolbe James
- Bass Trombone Aaron Anderson
- Keyboards 1, 2 ,3Kim Wimmer, Ami Swallow
- HarpKeri Riker
- DrumsBion Wimmer
- PercussionAmy Stutznegger
- ViolinsMichelle Willis, Linsey Bennett, Jen Hansen, Ammon Oliphant, Lahni Castellano
- ViolasEmily Boynton, Leannah Castellano
- CellosMiranda Moore, Whiteny Worthen, Ashely Sayre, Lincoln Oliphant, Lahni Castellano, Theres Sanford
- GuitarStuart Duff
- BassSam Worthen