Director’s Note
I am thrilled to be returning to SJCT. This time not just as the fictional captain of the “Jolly Rodger” (playing the iconic Captain James Hook) but truly captain-ing the upcoming production of OLIVER. I have followed the successes and triumphs of SJCT and have cheered their progress and purpose. I have a deep affection for children’s theatre: theater by children and for children. Theatre helped me at a very early age to find my voice, and like Oliver to demand “more”; More of life, more of those around me and most significantly, more of myself. Oliver may seem like a “dark” choice for this company to produce, but I sincerely believe that there is light struggling and yearning to burst out. We all know that it is always darkest just before the dawn.
~Steve Schmid, Director
Oliver performed June 17-28, 2011 at Early Light Academy
Performance Slide Show
Production Team
- DirectorSteve Schmid
- ProducerAndrea Scott
- Artistic DirectorToni Butler
- Musical DirectorSue Thompson
- Orchestra DirectorArt Moore
- Technical DirectorKevin Dudley
- Assistant Technical DirectorAnnie Brantley
- ChoreographerKimberly Bradstreet
- Dance CaptainLisa Means
- Assistant Dance CaptainJason Trump
- Stage ManagerAlicia White
- CostumerSteve Schmid
- Assistant CostumerQuinn Drake, Heather Garcia
- Art DirectorBret Ivory
- Master CarpenterBryce Bodily
- AccountingButler Financial Group
- Box Office ManagerCandice Kugler
Cast Members
- OliverMax Ivory
- Oliver UnderstudyIan Means
- DodgerTJ Ryan
- FaginGeoff Means
- NancyJill Bearden
- BetKatie Brown
- Bill SykesSeth King, Steve Schmid
- Mr. BumbleBrett Davis
- Widow CorneyAlina Mower
- Mrs. SowerberryKeri Riker
- Mr. SowerberryAndrew Hackman
- Mrs. BedwinJenny Pulispher
- Mr. BrownlowMike Pulsipher
- Dr. GrimwigAaron Borg
- CharlotteJessica Dudley
- Noah ClaypoleSam Pulispher
- Old SallyHeather Garcia
- Old AnnieQuinn Drake
- Charley BatesHenry Riker
- EnsembleTiffany Aller, Heidi Bates, Arianne Benson, Jessica Dudley, Sam Goates, Amy Heimbigner, Stephanie Lucero, Bailey Means, Alina Mower, Jenny Pulispher, Keri Riker, Sarah Uluave, Ashlynn Verhoef, Jeremy Bates, Aaron Borg, Joe Field, Andrew Hackman, Sam Pulispher, Troy Walker, Christopher Wheaton
- Workhouse Children/Fagin's GangCast A, Cast B, Spencer Ainsworth, Nathan Davis, Michael Dudley, Sam Field, Christian Hill, Ian Means, Dacker Muir, Henry Riker, Cameron Riker, James Tanner, Jake Watt
- Cast A
- Abbie Scott, Abby Rasmussen, Amelia Bradstreet, Darcy Brumfield, Ellie Bearden, Ellie Thacker, Jillian Church, Kamree Kelley, Katherine Hackman, Katrina Izatt, Korrin Wahlstrom, Maggie Scott, Mary Izatt, Megan Wahlstrom, Spencer Izatt
- Cast B
- Ashley Stevenett, Ashton Tovey, Cheyenne Hyde, Daryll Mckane, Emily Tanner, Jessie Hyde, Kamaile Nagamatsu, Kiera Dudley, Olivia Watt, Rosie Cannon, Rylee Workman, Taylor Broadbent, Whitney Broadbent, Cole Prazen